Monday, June 25, 2007

Comments on the Reception Article

Susan Pearl wrote a few notes that were helpful regarding the article on the Historic Preservation Reception last month:

"It was not the Maryland Historical Trust that started an "Endangered Properties" list this year - it was Preservation Maryland, Inc., a non-profit preservation advocacy organization, based in Baltimore, that used to be called the Society for the Preservation of Maryland Antiquities. And the idea for their "Endangered Properties" list did not come from Prince George's County, but rather from the "Eleven Most Endangered" list that the National Trust for Historic Preservation has been putting out for many years. (It's from the NTHP list that we got the idea of doing our own for Prince George's County.)

"Also, the fire in Nottingham was in the year 1901. And Gwynn Park (Robert Brinckloe's house) is in T.B., not Brandywine . . . .

"Hope you don't mind my interference - I wouldn't bother with it at all if I didn't think your blog is a good and useful thing! Thanks so much for doing it!!!! Keep up the good work!

Best, Susan (Pearl)"

Thanks, Susan, for your comments. I hope you'll be a frequent contributor to the blog.

1 comment:

UU-Mom said...

Gwynn Park (Robert Brinckloe's house) is in T.B., not Brandywine . . . .

I would like to know what entities still regard that area as "T.B." besides the Preservation Commission. Most current residents of Brandywine never even heard of T.B. It's part of the Brandywine zip code area. Though I find it does come up on a search of Google Maps, the label in that location says "Brandywine". I can see holding on to the name for historic and preservation purposes, but for identifying locations in today's community wouldn't it be better to use names that people are familiar with? Technically, the address today is Brandywine. Maybe it could be said that T.B. is within Brandywine today? If not, I'd be happy to learn why.